Danny Lysenko
Danny Lysenko

Contact Danny

Danny Lysenko
I am passionate about helping organizations reach their potential through a continuous journey of improvement. As our business environment continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, I feel fortunate to work with companies that are changing the world.

With more than 20 years of retail and financial leadership experience, Danny brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Eide Bailly. He has led teams in a number of countries and across multiple retail divisions including supply chain, merchandising, operations and strategy.

Regardless of the challenges facing your business, working with Danny will give you access to someone with broad retail and financial expertise who is dedicated to supporting you in reaching your business objectives.

Growing up in the mountains of Utah, Danny is a lover of all things outdoors. From skiing and hiking to camping and fishing, you can find him in the mountains whenever he has an opportunity. He is also a die-hard Boston Red Sox fan, with Fenway Park being his favorite place on earth.

