Contact Norma
Norma has over 30 years of experience in income and estate tax planning for high net worth individuals. Her experience includes planning and compliance for closely held businesses, family partnerships, estates, and trusts. She assists clients with philanthropy planning through the use of charitable trusts, private foundations, and outright gifts.
When you work with Norma, you can expect a professional relationship that includes a personal touch. Norma cares about her clients and their businesses. She fosters a personal connection with them to enable her to deliver valued-added advice tailored to each of her clients unique financial and personal circumstances.
Outside of work, Norma enjoys boating in Puget Sound, San Juan Islands, and the Canadian Gulf Islands. She is passionate about her alma mater, Washington State University, and drives across the state to Pullman, Washington to attend as many home football games as possible. Go Cougs!